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At Ralph Butterfield Primary School, we are passionate about inspiring and developing children’s love of physical activity through lessons, at playtimes, during fun sporting days and within extra-curricular sporting opportunities. We strive to develop children who can flourish in a range of different physical activities and who will remain physically active throughout their life.

Our aims are to support children to:

● Practise skills in a range of different activities and situations, alone, in small groups and in teams, and to apply these skills in chosen activities to achieve high levels of performance, setting targets for themselves and learning the importance and life skill of persevering and being resilient when competing against others.

● Remain physically active for sustained periods of time and have an understanding that physical activity promotes long-term health and can improve and contribute to people’s wellbeing and mental health.

● Be given a firm foundation for life-long participation in sporting activity through being given positive experiences and opportunities through a range of sporting activities, not just within PE lessons.

● Enjoy stimulating and challenging opportunities that help to promote physical development which includes leadership (playground leaders, taking ownership in lessons for coaching peers) and officiating opportunities. 

● Actively participate in a wide range of activities with confidence and to develop self-esteem/ ambition through achievement and to sustain resilience and determination when unsuccessful.

● Take initiative by focusing on improving aspects of their own performance and those of others, as well as developing their own ideas in a creative way.

● Be able to swim at least 25 metres before the end of Year 6 and to know how to remain safe in and around water.

● Have opportunities to become aware and to respect the principles of fair play, demonstrating a good sporting behaviour.


 Please click here to view our PE progression


How our school values are embedded in physical education



Children watch, listen and work with others with kindness. They respect others when sharing work and performing and reflect on this with compassion.





Children persevere in order to develop, progress and refine their skills to reach their full potential.





Children endeavor to show the determination to participate in physical activity within lessons, at play times in clubs and outside of school.





Children learn to make the right choices and to be honest within sports in order to show good sportsmanship.




What this looks like for children at Ralph Butterfield Primary School

At Ralph Butterfield Primary School, we want our children to flourish in a range of different physical activities. Each year, we apply for the School Games Award. This recognises high quality provision in school with either a bronze, silver or gold award. We are very proud of having achieved the highest accolade of the Gold Award every year, since 2018/2019.

Within curriculum lessons, we use a motivating, enjoyable and inclusive scheme called ‘REAL PE’, which helps to support every child to develop the physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills required to achieve in PE, Sport and life. Each unit teaches children fundamental movement skills and gives children the opportunity for challenge, coaching/ leadership, peer mentoring and self-evaluation. We also deliver and provide a wide range of sports experiences and opportunities, enabling children to develop their knowledge and skills in a variety of different areas. 

Each year, we take the Year 6 children on a residential trip which gives them a fantastic opportunity to challenge themselves both physically and mentally by taking part in a range of exciting outdoor activities. The experience also encourages the children to work collaboratively, have determination, build resilience and have a lot of fun.

Each year, we pride ourselves on taking part in the ‘Yorkshire Schools Dance Festival’. The children choreograph their own dance to a particular theme in an after school club and help to choose the music, costumes and lighting. The finished dance is performed in a concert hall in front of an audience and other schools. This is an amazing opportunity that celebrates creativity and dance and provides an opportunity for performing live and engaging parents/carers.

Children and staff benefit greatly from a sports specialist who mentors staff each half term, providing CPD opportunities for all teachers on a regular basis. The sports specialist also provides different sporting clubs throughout the year for different year groups. We also invite other external sporting coaches into school to provide a wide variety of clubs throughout the year. To provide the children with different physical activities we have booked fun days, hula hooping, mountain biking, skateboarding and orienteering, to name a few. Additionally, a coach from Total Sports delivers lessons alongside class teachers and provides an after school club, one day each week.

We value providing children with the opportunity to lead sport; our trained playground leaders are an integral part of developing physical activity with the younger children during lunchtime play, facilitating games and supporting the development of social skills.

Ralph Butterfield Primary School encourages children to apply their skills and knowledge in sports competitions and tournaments with other schools and in intra school competitions against themselves. Children from Year 1 to Year 6 take part in team games. Sports that we compete in during the academic year are cross country, football, netball, hockey, cricket, tag rugby, swimming, tri-golf and rounders.

We are delighted to have recently developed one end of our school playground with fixed equipment, allowing the children to climb, balance, jump and be more creative during playtimes. The remaining area of the playground has also been renewed, providing opportunities for all from dancing, multi-skills, competitive games and role-play; there is something for everyone and the children are loving the new experiences on offer at playtime.

Underpinning all physical education at Ralph Butterfield Primary School, in all of its contexts, are the school values of ambition, determination, integrity and respect. Each of these is an important part of how children conduct and challenge themselves, and each other, within PE and sport, which are ideal vehicles for embedding these values. This supports children’s personal development, enabling them to become resilient young people, with a positive sense of wellbeing, who can be good citizens within modern society. 





"Thank you for all the hard work you all put in, our daughter settled into the school really well and we know that’s down to you all."