School Council

Ralph Butterfield Primary School Council 2023 - 2024

At Ralph Butterfield Primary School, our School Council is made up of representatives from each class from Year 2 to Year 6. Representatives are elected at the start of each school year and represent their class on the council. The council have regular meetings in which they carry out a cycle of action planning, action, review and feedback.

Miss Clapham works with the council to discuss items on the School Development Plan, matters raised by pupils in school or directs the council to matters arising in school. The meetings are also used as a forum for pupil voice and feedback whereby the School Council members collect ideas, views and opinions about pupils' school experiences and their suggestions for improvement. These are then shared and debated at School Council meetings and fed back to our Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team and the School Governing Body.

Previous decisions and events the School Council have been involved in:

  • Gathering pupil’s views and suggestions for Explore York libraries.

  • Raising money for a variety of charities.

  • Selecting books for phase libraries.

  • Gathering pupil’s views and suggestions for the school values.

Future plans

  • Improving the lunch hall experience for KS2.

  • Improving the recycling in school.

  • To create a pupil handbook created by pupils for new starters.

  • Providing feedback and suggestions for the school dinner menu.

  • Regularly sharing pupil voice and suggestions from classes.

  • Looking at ways to improve our school.

Remember, if you have any great ideas about how to improve our school please let the school council members know.

Thank you for your support.

The School Council 2023/2024




"A brilliant school that couldn’t do much more"