
Ralph Butterfield Primary School utilises two main types of assessment: formative and summative. Assessment is important for ensuring that intended learning outcomes have been understood and for identifying where a child requires more support; this enables children to successfully build on prior learning and achieve next steps.


 Formative Assessment

Formative assessment is an inextricable part of effective teaching and learning and takes place in every lesson, every day. Staff at Ralph Butterfield Primary School are skilled in utilising ‘assessment for learning’ strategies, to ensure that children are continuing to make progress throughout and across lessons. These strategies provide teachers with immediate feedback on progress, enabling them to provide the precise teaching needed both ‘in the moment’ and to inform planning for future lessons. ‘Assessment for Learning’ strategies include questioning, observation, discussion of work, paired talk, self-assessment, peer-assessment, quick quizzes, explaining knowledge, response signals, to name a few. Strategies are adapted to match individual need and preference. The effective formative assessment that takes place at Ralph Butterfield Primary school ensures a collaborative process between staff and children in lessons, where children can reflect on their learning and receive ‘live’ feedback that helps them to progress.

Summative Assessment

Summative assessments evaluate a child’s learning at the end of a period of time and/or unit of work. Their purpose is to identify any gaps in children’s learning, to inform future lessons and ensure children have these gaps closed. This prevents children from being unable to successfully achieve next steps.

Summative assessments are usually in the form of a test undertaken independently and within a time limit. They support teachers to measure a child’s understanding against what has been taught, including standardised criteria.

At Ralph Butterfield Primary School, teachers use the results of summative assessments alongside teacher assessment (derived from formative assessments) to make judgements about a child’s level of attainment. Adjustments are then made to teaching and learning to ensure all children make the necessary progress from these points.

How well each child is achieving is monitored by class teachers, subject leaders and the senior leadership team, to ensure that all learners are able to achieve the best that they are capable of.

Summative assessment points for year groups without statutory tests are evenly spread throughout the year at Ralph Butterfield Primary School, usually taking place in November, February and June. We currently use NFER tests for reading and maths.

Alongside the teaching of Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised, regular assessment points are used to:

  • check progress in phonics and early reading
  • inform interventions to ensure gaps are closed quickly
  • accurately match reading books to the specific level of ability
  • provide appropriate challenge

These assessments are carried out at the end of every teaching block, during week 6 of the teaching schedule. There are also regular assessments for children who are receiving ‘Keep Up’ and ‘Rapid Catch Up’ interventions. These are carried out every 3-4 weeks. Assessments are used to show clear progress in learning and to analyse any further intervention needed.

Statutory Standardised Summative Assessments

Statutory Assessments include:

  • Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) profile at the end of Reception
  • Phonics Screening Check in Year 1
  • Multiplication Tables Check in Year 4
  • National Curriculum tests and teacher assessments at the end of Key Stage One (Year 2) and Key Stage Two (Year 6)

The school has an assessment leader, Mrs Deb Robinson (Assistant Headteacher), who oversees the collation and analysis of assessment outcomes. 

If you have any questions about assessment at Ralph Butterfield Primary School, please contact us and we will be happy to help.

Please click here to view our feedback and marking procedures 




"Thank you for all the hard work you all put in, our daughter settled into the school really well and we know that’s down to you all."